a common misconception.

“Life sucks.”


People love to proclaim it.

Every twitter feed, every facebook post, every tumblr gif, every thought spawned by the human intellect is forged from, created by, the premise that the very thing that allows us to tread amongst the soil of our great planet, is the soul contributor to our daily mishaps and misfortune.

You lose the key to your apartment: life sucks. You run into the screen door at the local coffee shop: life sucks. You run into your ex-boyfriend and his super hot girlfriend: life sucks. You dropped a dumbbell on your foot at the gym: life sucks. Your friend sweeps the love of your life of her feet: life sucks.

But my humble peers, I am here to tell you that life does not “suck.” It is not Life’s fault tragedy seems to swarm around our every step. It isn’t Life’s fault that you didn’t get the promotion, or win the big game, or win the tickets to that concert.

Life is opportunity.

Life knocks at your door from time to time, and for Pete’s sake you have to answer. If you didn’t focus all your efforts on the things you couldn’t do, if you didn’t spend your time at the mercy of your failures, maybe you might hear it. Maybe opportunity spends less time at your doorstep because you’re never home.

Don’t blame life for the things you couldn’t accomplish. You can blame your lack of focus, your constant procrastination, your inept laziness, your withering circumstances, your poor timing, your discouraging surroundings, your inability, your overcompensation, you can blame it on anything, but don’t blame life.

Life is a gift, given to those who needed it, given to those who need a chance to make something of themselves.

Don’t waste it.

Instead make it, make it great.

Make it the best you know how, with a smile on your face, a skip in your step, and a glare in your eyes.

Life is what you make it.

I promise you that.

to those who are listening.

-Gideon Reyes

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