what we lack.


We lack definition.

Definition: the act of making something definite, distinct, or clear, the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word.

The art of language is probably one of the most beautiful things on this green earth. It is so intricately detailed, there is almost a word for everything. Every feeling, every thought, every opinion, every perspective, every vantage point, every look, every touch, every celebration: every aspect of our lives is determined by the words that we let slip through our teeth. No matter how you truly feel, how you should’ve told her, how you want to explain things, no matter what good intentions you have, your life is going to reflect two things.

Your life reflects:

  1. what you did.
  2. what you said.

We once lived in a world where words meant something, when words could speak for themselves. A time when you could look at a word and it’s immediate substance and say “Ah, yes, she does think I am handsome,” “He does believe I can ace my Physics final,” “She really thinks I am an amazing person.” These times have swiftly come and gone, without lawful cause, without saying goodbye, more importantly, without saying hello. How did I miss it? How did I miss an age that appreciated words and their meaning, an age when I can be taken seriously, an age that I can truly mean what I say and say what I mean?  How could it have overlooked me and my fellow people who are dying for someone to take us seriously, to care about what we have to say, and to know exactly what we mean when we tell them?

We live in a time where we have to thoroughly decipher and dissect everything you hear. “You are beautiful.” “You are amazing.” “I like you for you.”

“I love you.”

We have to question every thing said, every thing spoken, it must be tested by fire, for if it survives the furnace, only truth will remain. But is that the solution? Is that the cure to the plague, the epidemic among us? If we set ablaze everything we hear, will we be doing the most good, the best for those closest to our hearts? Should I allow a man’s words to enter my ears without trial or restriction, to either uplift and support me, or to poison and manipulate who I am? Is that what is best for everyone around me? Probably. But I care about me, I care about who I am. I am important, I am amazing, I am handsome, I am good, I am worth your time. I don’t need you to tell me. I don’t need your lies, your deconstructive opinions, misguided judgement, or biased hate. I am okay without you. I am fine without your empty compliments and your loaded questions.

But what if you mean it? What if everything you say to me is true, and what if I throw it all away, throw it all away so I wont risk the hurt? Life is made up of the things you decide to do, and most unfortunately is composed of the things you don’t do.  The things you say, and the things you don’t. If you mean what you say, I am infinitely more than fine. I am the best I can be, with you at my side.

Oh, how I wish I could’ve witnessed first hand the ongoing exchange of the doubtless, meaningful words between the men and women, between the people who did not have corrupted intentions and who would not gift another with false hopes. I wish those days were still in our mist, still within our grasp. Oh, how that world is only but fiction, but fairy tale to my ears. It has been fairy tale, until I found her.

There has been a rumor, a distinct whisper heard through the tin cans of our youth, those attached to the withering strings, that there is a rhythm to the madness, a way to ease the chaos.

Listen closely. 

The ones closest to you, the ones you share every bit of who you are with, the ones who you could never live without, for the love of God and all that is good in this world, believe them. Believe what they have to tell you, engrave their words into your DNA, let them be absorbed into the fabrics of your being. They deserve your trust, they deserve the risk you are willing to take in order to let them in, and by God, let them love you. You can keep distant the ones you do not trust, the ones who you know have ill intentions. But for the sake of the hearts you care about, believe them, every sentence, every phrase, every word. I believe the words she tells me, the love she shares, and oh, how truly sweet it tastes, how thoroughly satisfying it is to know she loves me not just for who I am, but for what I am. And how I love her so.

My fellow man, my fellow woman, stand for the meaning of words. Let truth be heard across the nations, around the globe. May your words mean something, may your words be said with such conviction, that those dearest to you will believe you. And if no one will believe you, dammit, I will believe you. I will hear you out. Just don’t keep living without knowing that someone believes you, someone out there believes you.

May we not go back to a time of truth, but create a new time, of meaning and truth, to expel all doubt and suspicion, and may we mean the words we say.

Be truth. Be meaning. Be definite.

Words have definition, may you have one as well.

to those who are listening.

-Gideon Reyes