john stamos.


Why do we always have to belittle everyone?

Have you ever really thought about how often we belittle each other?

As you walk through a crowded hallway or a cluttered sidewalk, these thoughts pop into your brain, thoughts you sometimes have no control over.

“She’s with him? He’s ugly.”

“He’s friends with her? But shes fat!”

“He drives that piece of shit? What a no life.”

Whether consciously or subconsciously, we tend to mentally talk shit to everyone. This is what we call BEING AN ASSHOLE.

Admit it, we all do it, some more often than not. I catch myself thinking these thoughts all the time. Sometimes I’m sincere, but mostly I’m not. I make a lot of jokes, make fun of a lot of people. I don’t mean much by it. We live in a world where it’s okay to get offended by anything, and I’d like to go on the record and say that blows. But that’s a subject for another time. As I was saying, the times I am sincerely being subconsciously mean, it’s because I have a distorted view of people and their behavior.

Hell, we all do.

We are fed daily by our social networks and big media that anyone who deserves to be loved has to look like John Stamos or Jessica Alba. For God’s sake, 80% of the world is going to be considered ugly by those standards. Why must we mentally make other people seem shitty just to make ourselves feel better? I know I do it sometimes. I don’t care if he’s my best friend, he’s no John Stamos and I’m going to make sure he knows it!


I just wish we could look at one another differently. We don’t have to get all sappy and all hold hands singing the chorus line to Kumbaya. I just think if we took one more second to just appreciate the fact that people are amazing no matter how fat they are or how broken their nose looks. Everyone has something to keep them humble. Most attractive people are total idiots and probably peaked in high school, if that makes the other 80% feel any better.

There’s this guy in one of my classes. He’s a total dork and he smells like a rotted piece of fungus, but he has a girlfriend. He and his girlfriend play video games together and they have a blast. From what I hear, he loves the chick. They have fun beating the shit out of each other in Grand Theft Auto and love to blow an aliens head off in a match of Halo. It sounds nerdy. From what I imagined before, I could see her being a little on the lower half of the 80%, if you catch my drift, but then I stopped. Here’s a guy who is happy with a girl who loves everything he does. She matches his gaming skills but hopefully not his odor issues. But honestly.

Who gives a rats ass if she’s ugly? She could be Quasimoto for all I know, yet this guy is all smiles. They share a connection between one another and that’s what counts.

Yes, we’re wired to like hot people. We’re programmed to think that’s all there is to life on Earth. But the thing is, on the inside we’re all the same. A bag of muscle and bones, that in spite of dangerous amounts of McDonalds and Coca-Cola, are still standing. Don’t be so quick to point at the ugly or weird. If you’re neither of those, you’re most like to be stupid as shit.


I don’t like people. I still think they’re ugly. They still have shitty cars. They are fat. They are stupid. They are weird. They are incomprehensibly stupid. But so am I. I’m just as ugly and have a shitty car. I may not be as fat or as stupid as you, but it’s probably just because you have a head start. You’re ugly, I’m ugly. We’re in this together.

The next time you mentally call someone ugly, just remember:

You’re no John Stamos.

(But if you are John Stamos, feel free to call anyone you want ugly.)

to those who are listening.

-Gideon Reyes

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